Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3 continues the romantic comedy anime that follows Kazuya, a college student who hires Chizuru, a professional girlfriend, to make his ex-girlfriend jealous. However, things get complicated when they develop real feelings for each other, while also hiding their fake relationship from their families and friends.
Season 3 of Rent-a-Girlfriend will adapt the manga chapters from 104 onwards, where Chizuru wants to fulfill her dream of becoming an actress before her grandmother dies. Kazuya decides to help her by raising money for her debut movie. Along the way, they meet a new girl named Mini Yaemori, who will add more spice to their love story.
If you are wondering when and where you can watch the next episode of this hilarious and heartwarming anime, you are in the right place!
Here are the details about Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3 Episode 6, including the release date, time, and streaming platforms.
WHERE TO WATCH RENT-A-GIRLFRIEND? You can watch Rent-a-Girlfriend on TBS, MBS, ABEMA, and U-Next in Japan. For viewers outside of Asia, you can stream it on Crunchyroll.
RENT-A-GIRLFRIEND SEASON 3 EPISODE 6 RELEASE DATE Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3 Episode 6 will be released on Saturday 12th August in Japan at around 1:23am (JST). That means it will be available on Friday 11th August at around 4.23pm (GMT) / 9.23am (PT) for international fans.
The anime is in Japanese with subtitles for now. There might be a dubbed version later, depending on how popular it becomes.
HOW MANY EPISODES DOES RENT-A-GIRLFRIEND SEASON 3 HAVE? Rent-a-Girlfriend Season 3 has a total of 12 episodes, just like the previous seasons. Each episode will be released weekly and will last for about 23 minutes. So after this week’s episode, we have six more episodes to enjoy.