Reign of the Seven Spellblades is a new anime that follows Oliver, a boy who enrolls in Kimberly Magic Academy, a prestigious school for magic users. There, he meets Nanao, a girl who wields a katana and has a mysterious past. Together, they will face the challenges and dangers that await them in this magical world.
If you are curious about when and where you can watch the next episode of this exciting and action-packed anime, you are in luck!
Here are the details about Reign of the Seven Spellblades Episode 6, including the release date, time, and streaming platforms.
WHERE TO WATCH REIGN OF THE SEVEN SPELLBLADES? You can watch Reign of the Seven Spellblades on Tokyo MX and BS11 in Japan, or on the Anime Store and AbemaTV online. For viewers outside of Japan, you can stream it on Crunchyroll.
REIGN OF THE SEVEN SPELLBLADES EPISODE 6 RELEASE DATE Reign of the Seven Spellblades Episode 6 will be released on Saturday 12th August in Japan at around 12:30am (JST). That means it will be available on Friday 11th August at around 3.30pm (GMT) / 8.30am (PT) for international fans.
The anime is in Japanese with subtitles for now. There might be a dubbed version later, depending on how popular it becomes.
HOW MANY EPISODES DOES REIGN OF THE SEVEN SPELLBLADES HAVE? Reign of the Seven Spellblades has a total of 13 episodes for its first season, with one episode coming out every week. So after this week’s episode, we have seven more episodes to enjoy.